Press Kit


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These images are free to download and re-use with credit attributed.  Click the image to open and download. 


Please credit :

The photographer, Lance Andrews (for photo in light blue shirt) 

The photographer, Kyerra Lindsey (Black sheer top)

The book Illustrator, Stephanie Hider, for illustrations.

 (see photo captions for additional photo credits)

Stacey's Bios for re-use

50 Word Bio

Stacey Gardin is an author, model, coach, and educator. 

She published her first children’s book, “Mandy: Tangled in a Web” in 2020.

Stacey graduated from USC Upstate and launched her photography business in 2011. 

She believes in helping people recognize their worth and inspiring them to share their gifts worldwide.

90 Word Bio

Stacey Gardin believes in helping people recognize their worth and share their gifts with the world. She’s a multi-media creator, who started modeling and acting at a young age, being featured in TV & Print. She’s a published author, with her first book, “Mandy: Tangled in a Web,” teaching kids about honesty and patience. Stacey graduated from USC Upstate and studied Spanish at the University of Salamanca. She started her business, Stacey Gardin Portraits, in 2011 and is a facilitator with Village Launch, helping budding entrepreneurs navigate launching a business.

150 Word Bio

Stacey Gardin is a woman of many talents.  She believes her life’s purpose is to assist people in recognizing their worth, and to inspire them to share their phenomenal gifts with the world.


Stacey is a multi-media creator. She started modeling and acting at the age of 15. She’s a former beauty pageant titleholder and has been featured in various forms of media from magazine covers to commercials.  She published her first book, “Mandy: Tangled in a Web” in 2020. The story teaches kids to be honest and patient in a fun way.


She graduated from USC Upstate with a major in Communications and studied Spanish abroad at the University of Salamanca.

Stacey started her business Stacey Gardin Portraits, a full-service portrait studio, in 2011.


In addition to mentoring, she’s a facilitator with Village Launch in their Business Entrepreneur Academy, helping budding entrepreneurs navigate launching a successful and sustainable business.

300 Word Bio

Stacey Gardin is a multi-talented woman who has made it her mission to help people recognize their self-worth and inspire them to share their unique talents with the world. Her diverse background in the arts, media, and business has given her a unique perspective on what it takes to succeed in today’s world.  More importantly, that the definition of success is not universal, but personal.


After leaving the country to move to Trinidad and Tobago, her family settled in South Carolina.  At 15, Stacey started modeling and acting.  Her talent and charisma led her to place Top 15 at Miss SC USA and be featured in various media forms from magazine covers to commercials.

In 2020, she published her first book, “Mandy: Tangled in a Web,” a fun children’s story that teaches the value of honesty and patience.  Her book was inspired by her own story of learning to be true to herself and patient to receive the best things in life.


She graduated from USC Upstate with a Communications degree and studied Spanish abroad at the University of Salamanca. In 2011, she founded Stacey Gardin Portraits, a full-service portrait studio that has since become one of the most sought-after studios in the Upstate. Beyond her photography ventures, Stacey is a mentor, a coach, and a facilitator with Village Launch. 


When she isn’t working, you can find her in her garden or spending time with her husband and family.  When she’s not traveling, she loves to watch foreign films and television shows to nurture her love of linguistics and culture.


In all her endeavors, Stacey remains committed to her core belief that everyone has something valuable to offer the world. Through her work and her example, she inspires others to recognize their worth and share their phenomenal gifts with others.

In the press

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